Frequently Asked Questions

See if your problem is common, and find ways to quickly solve it!

To quickly find something on this page, press Shift/Command and F at the same time, and type your issue.

No Wifi

  1. Check to see if you are on your account.
    1. Click on the Windows Start menu.
    2. Click on the account icon.
    3. Check - does it say LaptopLoan? If so, log out and log in with your account.
    4. Why is LaptopLoan an issue? Click here to find out.

  2. Check your interent connection.
    1. Press the key and I at the same time.
    2. Search for Wifi in the search bar and click the top result.
    3. Have a connection? If not, press 'Show Available Network' and connect to LHS-District.
    4. Network say 'Connected, No Internet'? Try toggling the wifi setting off and back on again. If this doesn't work after a try or two, it may be your laptop.
  3. Restart your laptop.
    1. Save all of your work. Restarting will delete any unsaved documents or projects.
    2. Do not press and hold the physical power button - this is not good for the computer. Instead, press the Windows Start menu and press the power buton, and click restart.
    3. It will restart on its own, so wait until it is done. Log in to your account and try to connect to wifi again.

No Audio

  1. Check your volume.
    1. Find the keys on your keyboard with and icons printed on them.
    2. Press on the icon until you hear the audio you are playing.
  2. Check your audio output.
    1. Press the key and I at the same time.
    2. Search for Audio Output in the search bar and click the top result.
    3. What does it say? If it says anything other than Internal Speakers (Or the device you intend to use if you are using custom audio outputs, like headphones), set it to that device by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the output you need.
  3. Restart your laptop.
    1. Save all of your work. Restarting will delete any unsaved documents or projects.
    2. Do not press and hold the physical power button - this is not good for the computer. Instead, press the Windows Start menu and press the power buton, and click restart.
    3. It will restart on its own, so wait until it is done. Log in to your account and try to connect to wifi again.

Example Issue

  1. Example troubleshoot option.
    1. Example detail steps with bold lettering.
  2. Example troubleshoot option two.
    1. Example detial step with icons.
  3. Example troubleshoot option three.
    1. Example detail step with link to another location on this page.


Why is logging in with LaptopLoan an issue?

LaptopLoan was an account made in early 2020 when the school was handing out laptops for kids to use at home. As of (date of deactivation), LaptopLoan was disabled, and its access to many of the necessary things you need to do your schoolwork was revoked. If you are unable to do certain things, like connect to wifi, it is possible you are logged in with LaptopLoan. The easiest way to fix this is to log out of LaptopLoan, and log in using your account.

Logging In

Can't log in / remember your login information?

School login accounts for students are formatted like this:

Graduation Year

Last Name

First Initial

Example of constructed username: 22whitem

Your password is formatted as follows:


Student ID


Example of constructed password: L0612345!

Still can't login? It might be that you are not connected to wifi, or your computer is not connected to the domain. If you can't connect to the domain, you will get a message that mentions that. If you do get an issue where that message displays, please see IT for help.